Podiatrist Salary

Podiatrists employed in the United States generally earn salaries in the range from $72,947 to $207,644 a year including bonuses and contributions from profit sharing according to the salary information provided by Payscale. The annual bonuses can amount to up to $49,698, and the reported earnings from profit sharing are typically in the range from $4,913 to $43,103 a year.

The basic salaries for podiatrists working in the U.S. are generally in the range between $69,717 and $196,527 a year according to Payscale’s data.

Average salary

The average salary for podiatrists working in the United States is $129,700 a year according to Payscale, $121,672 according to Jobstat, $177,089 according to Salary.com, and $132,470 a year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Based on the salary data provided by Salary.com, 10% of podiatrists earn $115,530 a year or less, and 10% earn $291,310 a year or more.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveals that the top paying industries for podiatry doctors are offices of physicians, where these professionals earn $157,590 a year on average, followed by outpatient care centers, where the median salary for this occupation is $142,620 a year, and offices of other health practitioners, where podiatrists earn around $131,980 annually. Professionals working at general medical and surgical hospitals are paid around $112,170 a year, and those employed by the federal executive branch earn an average yearly income of $103,620 according to the BLS.

Starting salary

The starting salaries for podiatrists in their first year on the job are generally in the range from $68,163 to $117,916 a year according to Payscale’s salary figures. These professionals are paid $2,550 a year on average in bonuses.

Salary range

Podiatrist salaries vary depending on a number of factors, including professional experience. Podiatrists with 1 to 4 years of experience typically report earning an annual pay in the range from $59,598 to $201,341, and those with 5 to 9 years of experience under their belt are generally paid between $63,616 and $198,659 annually. Professionals with 10 to 19 years of experience usually earn between $76,550 and $182,032 a year, and those with 20 or more years of professional experience earn salaries in the range from $73,377 to $204,817 a year according to the salary data provided by Payscale.

Podiatrists with the Board Certified Surgery qualification generally report earning an annual pay in the range from $72,318 to $205,295. Male podiatry physicians typically earn an income in the range from $72,935 to $203,099 annually, while female podiatrists generally make between $58,471 and $156,543 a year.

Podiatrists’ salaries can vary depending on area of specialty among other factors. Professionals who specialize in podiatry generally earn between $67,407 and $105,000 a year, and those specializing in medicine/surgery report an annual income in the range from $74,891 to $245,659. Podiatrists specializing in surgery earn salaries in the range between $65,436 and $194,581 a year, and those specializing in wound care are typically paid between $61,277 and $214,551 a year according to Payscale’s salary data.

These professionals’ yearly income also depends on industry. Podiatrists working in the health care sector generally report annual salaries in the range from $77,469 to $163,412, and those employed at hospitals typically make between $39,262 and $248,323 a year. Professionals employed at podiatrists’ offices are usually paid between $58,968 and $171,284 annually, and those working at orthopedists’ offices typically make between $98,264 and $156,272 a year. Podiatrists working at medical offices report salaries in the range from $87,500 to $22,472 a year according to Payscale.

In terms of employer type, podiatrists working at private practices and firms typically earn between $58,968 and $169,127 a year, and those employed by hospitals are paid between $74,981 and $201,341 annually. Professionals employed by companies generally report an annual pay in the range from $77,023 to $206,500, those working for the federal government are usually paid between $130,500 and $155,633 a year, while podiatrists who are self-employed usually earn between $98,986 and $327,409 a year.

Salary by state

Podiatrists’ salaries can vary significantly from state to state. Physicians based in Florida typically earn between $58,343 and $164,829 a year, those working in California make between $81,094 and $239,677 a year, and professionals based in Texas are generally paid between $50,684 and $177,539 a year. Podiatrists employed in New Jersey typically report an annual income in the range from $91,563 to $159,169, and those working in Illinois are usually paid between $98,264 and $147,395 annually. Professionals employed in Wisconsin earn between $100,101 and $170,000 a year, and those based in Indiana make between $97,591 and $136,034 a year according to Payscale’s salary data.

podiatrist average salary,podiatrist salary rangeThe salary data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveals that the top paying states for podiatry specialists are New Hampshire, where these professionals earn around $186,940 a year, followed by Colorado, where the median annual salary for podiatrists is $182,140, and Maine, where podiatry doctors earn $167,070 a year on average. Podiatrists employed in Indiana are paid around $166,500 a year, and those based in Minnesota earn $163,880 a year on average.

Professionals working in Maryland earn a median annual salary of $142,440, those based in Delaware make around $139,900 a year, and podiatry specialists employed in Ohio are paid $124,260 a year on average. Podiatrists working in New York earn around $122,900 a year, and those based in New Jersey are paid around $119,000 annually. Professionals employed in California make $110,260 a year on average, those working in Florida earn around $148,480 annually, and podiatrists based in Illinois receive an average annual income of $118,410 according to the income data provided by the BLS.

Hourly wage

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provides a mean hourly wage of $63.69 and a median rate of $55.98 for podiatrists employed in the United States. 10% of these professionals earn at least $25.25 per hour, and 25% are paid $80.53 per hour or more.

The hourly pay varies from industry to industry. Podiatrists employed at offices of physicians earn $75.76 per hour on average, those working in outpatient care centers make around $68.57 per hour, and professionals working at offices of other health practitioners are paid $63.45 per hour on average. Podiatrists working at general medical and surgical hospitals earn an average hourly pay of $53.93 and those employed by the federal executive branch are paid $49.82 per hour on average.

Podiatrists’ hourly rate also varies from state to state. Professionals based in New York earn $59.09 per hour on average, those employed in California earn around $53.01 per hour, and podiatry physicians working in Illinois make $56.93 per hour on average. Podiatrists employed in Florida are paid around $71.38 per hour, and those working in Ohio earn $59.74 per hour on average according to the BLS salary data.

Professionals based in Maryland earn around $68.48 per hour, those working in Delaware make $67.26 per hour on average, and podiatrists employed in New Jersey receive a median hourly wage of $57.21. Podiatry doctors based in New Hampshire make $89.87 per hour on average, those employed in Colorado earn around $87.57 per hour, and professionals based in Maine are paid around $80.32 per hour. Podiatrists based in Indiana earn around $80.05 per hour, and those working in Minnesota are paid $78.79 per hour on average according to the BLS.


Podiatrists usually get a wide range of benefits along with their annual salary, bonuses, and contributions from profit sharing, and the benefits packages can sometimes reflect their annual earnings. Professionals who get malpractice and liability insurance generally earn between $74,240 and $158,399 a year, those who have 401(k) plans are usually paid between $75,503 and $229,789 annually, and podiatrists who get paid vacations and holidays report earning salaries in the range from $76,753 to $167,675 a year. Podiatrists who get paid sick leave typically earn between $66,977 and $193,916 annually, and those who get reimbursement for training, education, or certification earn an annual pay in the range from $64,564 to $15,374. Professionals who have life and disability insurance as part of their benefits package generally earn between $84,430 and $201,341 a year, and those who get cell phones are typically paid between $48,000 and $175,000 a year according to Payscale’s salary data.

The most popular perks and benefits among podiatrists are malpractice and liability insurance, 401(k) plans, paid vacations, paid sick leave, reimbursement for professional training, education, certification, or tuition, life and disability insurance, and cell phone.

Other income factors

Podiatrists’ salaries can vary depending on the size of the organization that employs them. For example, professionals working for organizations that employ 1 to 9 people typically earn salaries in the range from $35,508 to $205,112 a year, those working for organizations with 10 to 49 employees generally make between $71,976 and $183,831 annually, and podiatrists working for organizations that employ 600 to 1,999 people are usually paid between $118,008 and $155,849 a year according to Payscale’s salary figures.

Hospital setting is another factor that can affect a podiatrist’s salary. For example, professionals working at private practices and physicians’ offices generally earn between $68,422 and $214,891 a year, while those employed at general hospitals report annual earnings in the range from $66,977 to $242,395 according to Payscale.