Perfusionist Salary

Perfusionists employed in the United States typically report earning salaries in the range from $66,384 to $134,053 a year including bonuses and contributions from profit sharing based on the salary information provided by Payscale.

The basic annual salary for perfusionists is generally in the range between $66,212 and $130,212. The yearly bonus earnings can amount to up to $23,270 and the reported earnings from profit sharing are typically in the range from $1,662 to $9,000 a year based on Payscale’s salary data.

Salary range

Perfusionists’ salaries depend on a variety of factors, including work experience. Based on Payscale’s salary data, perfusionists with 1 to 4 years of experience typically earn an annual pay in the range from $59,867 to $107,940 and those with 5 to 9 years of work experience under their belt are generally paid between $50,684 and $133,154 annually.

Perfusionists with 10 to 19 years of experience report earning salaries in the range from $76,673 to $125,798 a year and those with 20 or more years of professional experience typically make between $87,352 and $144,696 a year according to Payscale.

Perfusionists’ wages also vary from industry to industry. Professionals working in the health care industry generally earn salaries in the range from $83,752 to $138,871 a year, those employed at hospitals are paid betweeen $49,665 and $125,719 annually, and perfusionists working in cardiothoracic surgery typically earn an annual income in the range from $81,389 to $118,669 based on Payscale’s salary data.

Perfusionists working at general hospitals generally make between $66,939 and $133,219 a year. Those with the qualification of Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) generally report earning an annual pay in the range from $73,679 to $132,764. Men typically earn between $81,608 and $133,247 a year and women generally earn an annual income in the range from $64,111 to $125,191 a year.

Cardio-pulmonary perfusionists employed in the U.S. generally earn between $81,990 and $166,381 a year including bonuses, which can amount to up to $39,453 a year based on the salary figures reported by Payscale.

Professionals with 1 to 4 years of experience make between $77,902 and $92,217 a year and those with 20 or more years of experience are generally paid between $87,060 and $124,067 a year. Cardio-pulmonary perfusionists working in cardiothoracic surgery report earning a yearly pay in the range from $83,576 to $106,823 and those working in the health care sector generally earn between $83,524 and $127,171 a year according to Payscale. Perfusionists with 10 or more years of experience can expect to earn an income in the range from $85,000 to $100,000 a year.

Average salary

The average salary for perfusionists working in the United States is $100,445 a year according to Payscale. Forbes reports an average yearly salary of $93,500 for cardiovascular perfusionists.

Salary by state

Perfusionists’ annual income depends on geographical location among other factors and can vary considerably from state to state. Perfusionists employed in Texas typically earn between $30,639 and $207,487 a year, those based in New York are generally paid between $90,315 and $147,949 a year and professionals working in Illinois earn salaries in the range from $96,650 to $131,690 a year.

perfusionist average salary,perfusionist pay,perfusionist salary range

Image: Alexperf at

Perfusionists working in Virginia typically report earning an annual pay in the range from $73,250 to $108,090 and those based in California generally make between $61,042 and $131,094 a year. Professionals employed in Washington earn a yearly income in the range from $91,000 to $120,000 and those based in Florida typically make between $77,166 and $95,000 a year based on the salary figures reported by Payscale.

Salary by city

Perfusionists’ annual pay also varies from city to city. For example, professionals based in Chicago typically earn between $71,000 and $122,000 a year and those employed in Houston are generally paid between $78,611 and $111,261 a year according to Payscale.

Starting salary

The average starting salary for perfusionists in their first year on the job is typically in the range from $58,000 to $61,000 a year.

Perfusionists with less than a year of experience generally earn an income in the range from $70,000 to $96,570 a year according to Payscale.

Hourly rate

Perfusionists with 20 or more years of experience typically earn between $38 and $57.99 per hour based on the salary data provided by Payscale. Professionals with the qualification of Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) are generally paid between $38.44 and $59.18 per hour. Perfusionists with a bachelor’s degree make between $38.44 and $59.18 per hour.

Professionals employed at hospitals make between $52.53 and $59.64 per hour and those working at general hospitals earn an hourly wage in the range from $37.78 to $58.78. Perfusionists who have 401(k) plans are generally offered an hourly rate in the range from $37.78 to $62.85 according to Payscale.


Along with their basic yearly income and annual bonus earnings, perfusionists usually get a wide range of benefits and perks, and these can sometimes reflect their annual pay.

Perfusionists who have 401(k) plans generally earn an income in the range from $72,064 to $131,531 a year, those who have paid sick leave make between $58,725 and $120,187 annually, and professionals who have paid holidays and vacations are typically paid between $61,277 and $123,118 a year.

Perfusionists who have life and disability insurance included in their benefits package generally earn salaries in the range from $60,820 to $122,970 a year and those who have malpractice and liability insurance are paid between $74,157 and $121,484 a year. Professionals who have 403(b) plans typically earn between $86,822 and $139,079 a year and those who get reimbursement for professional education, training, tuition, or certification generally report earning a yearly income in the range from $83,524 to $108,265 based on Payscale’s salary data.

The most popular benefits among perfusionists, as reported by Payscale, are 401(k) plans, paid vacation, life and disability insurance, 403(b) plans, paid sick leave, malpractice and liability insurance, and company pension plans.

Other income factors

Perfusionists’ annual earnings also depend on the type of employer. Professionals who work as contractors typically report earning an income in the range from $67,407 to $120,000 a year and those employed at hospitals are generally paid between $60,200 and $136,158 a year. Perfusionists employed by companies make between $67,500 and $126,929 annually and those working for private practices and firms usually report earning an annual pay in the range from $79,500 to $91,720 based on Payscale’s salary statistics.

Perfusionists’ yearly salaries can also vary depending on the number of hospital beds. Perfusionists working at institutions with 100 to 299 beds typically make between $87,090 and $112,444 a year, those employed at institutions with 300 to 499 hospital beds are generally paid between $76,026 and $129,000 annually, and professionals employed by institutions that have 500 or more hospital beds usually report earning an annual income in the range from $82,290 to $148,380 according to Payscale’s salary data.

Salaries also vary depending on academic degree. Perfusionists with a bachelor’s degree generally make between $73,698 and $135,519 annually, those with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Cardiovascular Perfusion are paid between $98,679 and $130,000 a year, and professionals with a Bachelor of Science in Perfusion typically earn salaries in the range from $104,718 to $122,000 a year according to Payscale’s data.