Physician Salary

Physicians’ salaries depend on a large variety of factors, ranging from specialty and years of experience to employer type and location.

Physicians working in general hospitals earn $190,274 a year on average, those employed in physicians’ offices and private practices earn around $168,397 a year, and those working in ambulatory care and surgery centers are paid around $171,372 annually.

Professionals working in community and home health earn a median yearly salary of $146,566, while those working for the military receive a yearly income of $156,259 a year on average.

Physicians employed by health insurance companies earn around $206,792 a year, and those working in extended care and nursing homes have an annual pay of $159,582 on average according to salary data from Payscale.

Average salary

The average salary of a physician varies significantly depending on his or her area of specialty. The median salary for general practice physicians is $131,903 a year, while family physicians typically make around $151,539 a year. Internal medicine physicians earn around $165,141 a year, while emergency room physicians make $201,104 a year on average. Radiologists earn around $248,161 annually, while neurologists are paid $180,606 a year, and oncologists have an average annual salary of $237,492 according to salary data provided by Payscale.

The median pay also largely depends on the physicians’ work experience. Physicians with 1 to 4 years of experience typically earn around $155,704 a year, those with 5 to 9 years of experience are paid around $174,063 a year, doctors with 10 to 19 years of experience generally make $181,081 a year on average, and those with 20 or more years of experience earn a median yearly salary of $193,127 according to Payscale.

The average annual salary also varies depending on the employer. For instance, physicians employed by Kaiser Permanente report a median salary of $170,915 a year, those who work for the U.S. Army make around $172,000 a year, and self-employed physicians earn $166,000 a year on average according to data from Payscale.

Men generally earn more than women: the median annual salary for men is $183,652 a year, while women make $164,106 a year on average.

Salary by specialty

The average salary for physicians employed in the United States varies significantly depending on specialty.

Surgeons earn $239,683 a year on average, emergency medicine physicians earn around $212,894 a year, and obstetricians and gynecologists make $199,527 a year on average.

Family practice physicians earn around $154,012 a year, internal medicine physicians are paid around $167,381 annually, and pediatricians earn $150,586 a year on average. The median annual salary for neurophysiologists is $196,527, while acute care physicians earn $163,566 on average.

Starting salary

The average starting salary for physicians working in the United States is $157,855 a year according to Payscale.

Salary by state

Physicians’ yearly salaries can vary significantly from state to state. Physicians employed in California earn $179,895 a year on average, those based in New York are paid around $170,422 annually, and professionals working in Texas earn an average annual salary of $170,884. The median salary for Florida is $169,087 a year, and professionals based in Illinois make around $172,041. Physicians working in Pennsylvania earn $154,384 a year on average, and those employed in Georgia report a median annual salary of $163,566 according to Payscale.

Salary by city

Physician salaries are different from city to city. Professionals employed in New York earn a median yearly salary of $162,107, those working in Los Angeles are paid around $179,643 annually, physicians based in Houston earn $162,488 a year on average, and those employed in Chicago make around $181,371 a year. Physicians working in Boston earn an average salary of $181,412 a year, those based in Atlanta earn around $165,637 a year, and professionals working in Philadelphia are paid $152,550 annually on average according to Payscale.

Hourly rate

The hourly wage, like the annual salary, depends on a large number of factors. Area of specialty is one of the major ones. For example, emergency room physicians earn $141.34 per hour on average, family physicians make $82.27 per hour, and internal medicine doctors are offered a median hourly rate of $78.37. General practice physicians earn $78.56 per hour, pediatricians make $70 per hour on average, and radiologists are offered an average hourly wage of $149.73 according to Payscale.

The median hourly pay also depends on the physician’s years of experience. Professionals with less than a year of experience earn $45 per hour on average, those with 1 to 4 years of experience make $91.98 per hour, and physicians with 5 to 9 years under their belt are paid around $93.95 per hour. Professionals with 10 to 19 years of experience earn $98.50 per hour, and physicians with 20 or more years of experience make $98.08 per hour on average according to salary data provided by Payscale.


The yearly bonuses will vary from job to job, too. Family physicians get $2,040 a year on average, internal medicine specialists earn $4,937 a year, emergency room physicians report getting $6,000 a year, and general practice doctors earn around $2,250 a year in bonuses. Radiologists and neurologists report earning $5,500 a year, and oncologists get $10,000 a year on average in bonuses according to Payscale.

Bonuses also vary depending on years of experience. Physicians with less than a year of experience on the job get $3,000 a year on average, those with 1 to 4 years of experience earn $4,082 annually on average, professionals with 5 to 9 years of experience report getting around $5,038 a year, and those with 10 to 19 years of experience are paid around $5,063 a year in bonuses. Physicians with 20 or more years of experience report earning $5,006 a year on average in bonus money.


Physicians’ benefits packages can also reflect their annual salary. Professionals who get 401(k) plans earn around $181,518 a year, those who get malpractice or liability insurance earn $178,560 a year on average, physicians who get paid vacations and holidays are paid about $176,808 a year, and those who get life or disability insurance earn $181,136 a year on average. Physicians who have 403(b) plans as part of their benefits package earn a median salary of $182,369 annually, those who get paid sick leave earn $174,897 a year, and professionals who get education, training, tuition or certification reimbursement as part of the benefits package have an average yearly salary of $177,536 according to Payscale.

The most popular benefits among physicians are 401(k) plans, malpractice and liability insurance, paid holidays, life and disability insurance, and paid sick leave.

Other income factors

Physicians’ salaries can vary significantly depending on employer type. Professionals working in hospitals earn an average yearly salary of $171,508, those employed by private practices earn around $176,578 a year, and physicians employed by companies make $175,435 a year on average. Professionals working for non-profit organizations make $165,002 a year, those employed by colleges and universities have a median annual salary of $160,786, and physicians who are self-employed earn around $179,072 a year according to Payscale.

Professional certification is one of the factors that can affect a physician’s salary. Physicians with a certification from the American Board of Internal Medicine earn $175,340 a year on average, those with a Board Certified Primary Care certification earn around $157,560 a year, and doctors with a qualification from the American Board of Family Medicine are paid $160,673 annually on average. Physicians with a certification from the American Board of Obstetrics Gynecology (ABOG) earn around $202,972 a year, those with a qualification from the American Board of Radiology (ABR) make $289,245 a year on average, and physicians with an Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification are paid around $157,648 annually. Physicians certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) have a median annual salary of $195,748, and professionals with a certification from the Diplomate of American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) make $216,602 a year on average according to Payscale.

The average salary of physicians employed in the U.S. can also reflect their academic background. For example, physicians who graduated from the Harvard Medical School earn $182,951 a year on average, those who got their degree from the University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA) make $182,843 annually, graduates of the Harvard University earn around $195,183 a year, and physicians who got their medical degree from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor report a median yearly salary of $196,527. Physicians who attended the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities earn around $195,751 a year, while graduates of the Ross University make $174,748 a year on average according to salary information provided by Payscale.