Chiropractor Salary

Chiropractors working in the United States typically earn salaries in the range from $33,648 to $110,669 a year including bonuses, commissions, and contributions from profit sharing according to the salary information provided by Payscale.

The basic annual salary for chiropractors is usually in the range between $30,650 and $100,951, and bonuses can amount to up to $20,080 a year.

Earnings from profit sharing go from none to $80,000 a year, and commissions are typically in the range from $600 to $15,000 a year according to Payscale.

Based on the salary data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the 10% best paid chiropractors earn $142,950 a year or more, and the 10% on the lower end of the scale earn up to $31,030 annually. 25% of chiropractic physicians make $46,060 a year or less, and 75% are paid up to $96,170 a year according to the BLS income statistics. reports that 10% of chiropractors earn up to $94,817 a year, and the 10% on the higher end of the pay scale make $229,159 or more annually. Jobstat reports that the highest annual salary recorded for chiropractors is $108,421 and the lowest, $32,837.

Average salary

The average salary for chiropractors employed in the United States is $103,000 a year according to the salary data reported by Indeed, $132,988 a year according to, $70,629 a year according to Jobstat, and $57,540 a year according to Payscale. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a mean annual salary of $79,550 and a median wage of $66,160 for this occupation.

chiropractor average salary,chiropractor pay

Image: United States Marine Corps

Chiropractors’ salaries can vary significantly depending on industry. The top paying industries for this profession are dentists’ offices, where chiropractors earn $124,410 a year on average, followed by employment services, where the median annual salary for this occupation is $87,340, and specialty hospitals (not including psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals), where chiropractors earn an average yearly pay of $81,760 according to the BLS.

Chiropractors employed at physicians’ offices earn $76,090 a year on average, and those working in offices of other health practitioners earn around $79,480 a year. Professionals working at general medical and surgical hospitals are paid $64,350 annually on average, and those employed at outpatient care centers earn around $71,440 a year.

Starting salary

The average starting salary for chiropractors in their first year is typically in the range from $30,007 to $89,700 a year according to Payscale’s salary data.

Salary by state

Chiropractors’ annual salaries depend on geographical location among other factors, and can vary significantly from state to state. Professionals employed in Texas typically earn salaries in the range from $27,500 to $78,115 a year, those based in California generally make between $35,455 and $120,805 a year, and chiropractors working in Florida are usually paid between $40,000 and $99,693 annually according to the salary figures provided by Payscale.

Chiropractors based in Illinois earn an annual income in the range from $30,492 to $101,130, and those working in Ohio typically make between $33,935 and $87,831 a year. Professionals based in New York generally earn between $25,000 and $154,839 a year, and those employed in Virginia are paid between $36,766 and $122,339 a year according to Payscale.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveals that the top paying states for chiropractors are Alaska, where these professionals earn $157,420 a year on average, followed by Ohio, where the median annual salary for this occupation is $126,060, and North Carolina, where chiropractors earn around $113,330 a year. Professionals based in Massachusetts earn $106,340 a year on average, and those employed in Washington are paid around $97,160 a year.

Chiropractors based in California make $78,800 a year, those working in Illinois are paid around $91,460 annually, and professionals based in Florida earn around $77,310 a year. Chiropractors employed in Texas are paid $57,370 a year on average, and those working in Michigan make $76,330 a year on average according to the salary data provided by the BLS.

Chiropractors working in Oregon make $58,460 a year on average, and those employed in South Dakota make $68,290 annually on average. Professionals employed in Nebraska earn around $63,160 a year, and those working in Montana earn $49,760 a year on average according to the BLS.

Salary by city

Chiropractors’ yearly income can also vary from city to city. Professionals working in Chicago are typically paid between $31,660 and $176,169 annually, those based in Los Angeles earn between $37,730 and $101,961 a year, and chiropractic physicians employed in Dallas make between $46,452 and $77,166 a year.

Chiropractors working in Houston generally earn between $30,521 and $58,958 a year, and those working in Seattle are paid between $45,752 and $77,239 a year. Professionals working in Miami usually report salaries in the range from $48,484 to $65,837 a year, and those based in New York typically earn an income in the range between $46,800 and $99,157 a year according to Payscale’s salary data.

Salary range

Chiropractors’ annual salaries depend on a wide range of factors, including work experience. Chiropractors with 1 to 4 years of experience generally earn salaries in the range from $27,297 to $77,682 a year, and those with 5 to 9 years of experience are typically paid between $35,020 and $100,775 annually. Professionals with 10 to 19 years of experience usually make between $36,953 and $120,628 a year, and those with 20 or more years of experience under their belt report an annual income in the range from $36,766 to $149,478 according to Payscale’s salary figures.

Professional certification is one of the factors that can affect a chiropractor’s annual salary. Professionals with the qualification of Certified Chirporactic Sports Physician (CCSP) typically earn an income in the range from $25,342 to $124,270 a year, those with the Certified Doctor (SORSI) qualification make between $19,933 and $122,941 annually, and chiropractors with the certification in Active Release Techniques (ART) generally make between $25,545 and $94,687 a year according to Payscale’s salary data.

In terms of industry, professionals employed at chiropractors’ offices earn between $29,792 and $99,946 annually, those working in the health care sector make between $36,766 and $102,507 a year, and chiropractors working in the rehabilitation sector are typically paid between $36,766 and $244,679 a year. Professionals employed at medical offices generally make between $30,410 and $118,359 a year, those working at health clinics make between $40,547 and $102,578 a year, and chiropractors working at physicians’ offices are generally paid between $40,500 and $120,000 a year according to Payscale’s salary figures.

Men generally report salaries in the range from $32,069 to $107,952 a year, while women typically earn between $29,694 and $86,897 a year.

Hourly rate

The hourly rate for chiropractors depends on a number of factors, including years of experience. Professionals with 1 to 4 years of experience generally earn between $15.13 and $42.50 per hour, and those with 5 to 9 years of experience are usually paid between $24.72 and $39.83 per hour. Chropractors with 10 to 19 years of experience under their belt report earning an hourly pay in the range from $30.17 to $55.46, and professionals with 20 or more years of experience generally earn between $17.97 and $50 per hour according to the salary data reported by Payscale.

Chiropractors employed at chiropractors’ offices typically make between $14.68 and $81.70 per hour, and those working in the health care sector are generally paid between $22.15 and $54.63 per hour according to Payscale.

In terms of employer type, chiropractors working for private practices or firms report earning an hourly wage in the range from $12.11 to $53.33, those employed by companies are generally paid between $22.50 and $40.92 per hour, and professionals who are self-employed typically make between $32.92 and $61.04 per hour according to Payscale’s salary figures.

Men generally earn between $10.45 and $40 per hour, while women are paid between $16.28 and $40.06 per hour.

The average hourly wage for chiropractors, as reported by Jobstat, is $41. The highest hourly pay recorded for this occupation is $62 and the lowest, $20 per hour.

The median hourly pay for chiropractors varies from industry to industry. Chiropractors working at offices of physicians earn $36.58 per hour on average, those employed at dentists’ offices are paid around $59.81 per hour, and professionals working at offices of other health practitioners earn an average hourly wage of $38.21 according to the salary data provided by the BLS. Chiropractors employed at specialty hospitals (except psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals) are paid $39.31 per hour on average, and those working at outpatient care centers make $34.35 per hour on average. Professionals working at general medical and surgical hospitals are paid around $30.94 per hour, and those working in employment services earn around $41,99 per hour.

The average hourly pay also varies from state to state. Chiropractors based in California earn $37.88 per hour on average, those based in Florida make $37.17 per hour, and professionals working in Illinois are paid around $43.97 per hour according to the salary figures reported by the BLS. Chiropractors working in Texas earn a median hourly wage of $27.58, and those employed in Michigan are paid around $36.70 per hour.

Chiropractic physicians working in South Dakota earn an average hourly pay of $32.83, those based in Oregon make $28.11 per hour on average, and professionals working in Montana are paid around $23.93 per hour. Chiropractors working in Nebraska earn around $30.36 per hour, and those employed in North Carolina make $54.49 per hour on average.

Chiropractors employed in Washington are paid $46.71 per hour on average, and those based in Massachusetts earn around $51.12 per hour. Professionals working in Ohio earn around $60.60 per hour, and those based in Alaska earn an average hourly wage of $75.68 according to the BLS salary data.


Along with their basic annual salary and bonuses, chiropractors also get a variety of benefits and perks, and these can sometimes reflect their yearly income. Chiropractic physicians who have malpractice and liability insurance typically earn between $30,202 and $124,003 a year, those who have paid vacations and holidays make between $36,107 and $118,612 annually, and professionals who have 401(k) plans are generally paid between $35,745 and $127,383 a year.

Chiropractors who get reimbursement for professional training, education, certification, or tuition as part of their benefits package typically earn betwen $35,466 and $110,500 a year, and those who have paid sick leave are usually paid between $38,756 and $125,000 annually. Professionals who get cell phones make between $30,202 and $238,337 a year, and those who have a flexible work schedule report earning an income in the range from $14,497 to $153,193 a year according to the salary statistics provided by Payscale.

The most popular benefits and perks among chiropractors are malpractice and liability insurance, paid vacation, 401(k) plans, reimbursement for education, training, tuition, and certification, and paid sick leave.

Other income factors

Chiropractors’ annual salaries also depend on the size of the organization that employs them. Professionals working for organizations with 1 to 9 employees typically earn between $30,297 and $101,632 a year, those working for organizations that employ 10 to 49 people are generally paid between $40,468 and $113,346 annually, and chiropractors working for organizations with 50 to 199 employees usually report salaries in the range from $51,064 to $86,117 a year according to Payscale’s data.

Salaries can also vary depending on skill or specialty. Professionals specializing in chiropracty generally earn between $26,426 and $140,937 a year, those specializing in health and wellness typically make between $60,000 and $134,285 annually, and chiropractors specializing in acupuncture usually report earning an income in the range from $48,605 to $61,042 a year. Chiropractors specializing in nutrition earn between $34,996 and $50,868 a year, those specializing in rehabilitation make between $28,000 and $78,500 annually, and professionals specializing in patient education report an annual pay in the range from $36,500 to $104,862 according to Payscale.

Employer type is another major factor that can affect a chiropractor’s annual pay. Professionals employed by private practices and firms generally earn between $30,425 and $100,401 a year, those employed by companies typically make between $32,681 and $83,298 annually, and chiropractors who are self-employed earn between $29,816 and $117,202 a year. Professionals who work as contractors typically earn between $20,426 and $97,871 a year, those employed by non-profit organizations are generally paid between $50,000 and $86,164 annually, and chiropractors working at hospitals earn between $88,437 and $162,778 a year. Chiropractors employed by teams report an annual pay in the range from $37,500 to $76,000 a year, and those working for other organizations generally earn an annual income in the range from $38,000 to $80,000 according to Payscale’s salary statistics.

Chiropractors also often report earnings from profit sharing, which also vary depending on years of experience. Professionals with 1 to 4 years of experience get $1,250 a year on average, and those with 5 to 9 years of experience earn around $6,500 annually. Chiropractors with 10 to 19 years of experience generally report getting around $15,000 a year in profit share contributions, and professionals with 20 or more years of experince earn $80,000 a year on average according to Payscale’s salary data.