Physical Therapist Salary

Physical therapists working in the United States typically earn salaries in the range from $55,268 to $92,104 a year including bonuses according to the salary information provided by Payscale.

Based on the salary figures reported by, 10% of physiotherapists on the lower end of the pay scale earn up to $65,677 annually, and the 10% of the best paid physical therapists are paid an income of $89,566 a year or more. 25% of physiotherapists earn up to $71,386 a year, and 75% report salaries of up to $83,891 a year according to In other words, the middle 50% of these professionals earn an annual pay in the range from $71,386 to $83,891.

Average salary

The average salary for physical therapists employed in the United States is $69,949 a year according to Payscale’s salary data, $77,658 a year according to, and $68,729 according to Jobstat.

Based on the salary data reported by, the average annual salary for this occupation including bonuses is $77,780, with 10% of physical therapists earning up to $65,753 a year, and the 10% of professionals on the higher end of the pay scale reporting an annual income of $89,699 or more.

Jobstat reports that the highest annual wage recorded for this profession is $90,440 and the lowest, $54,518. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a mean annual salary of $81,110 and a median annual wage of $79,860 for this occupation. Based on the BLS data, 10% of physical therapists earn up to $55,620 a year, and the 10% of the best paid professionals in this field earn yearly salaries of $112,020 or more.

Physical therapists’ average annual earnings can vary significantly from industry to industry. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the top paying industries for physiotherapists are home health care services, where these professionals earn an average annual salary of $90,440, followed by management, scientific, and technical consulting services, where physiotherapists earn a median yearly wage of $87,170, and employment services, where the average pay for this profession is $87,030 per year. Physiotherapists employed in child day care services earn $86,480 a year on average, and those working at nursing care facilities earn around $85,810 a year according to the BLS.

pt salary,physical therapist average salaryPhysical therapists employed at general medical and surgical hospitals earn $80,060 a year on average and those working at offices of physicians earn around $80,450 a year.

Professionals employed at offices of other health practitioners are paid around $79,180 annually.

The median yearly salary for physiotherapists working at specialty hospitals (not including psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals) is $80,690 a year according to the salary figures reported by the BLS.

Starting salary

The starting salary for physical therapists in their first year on the job is typically in the range from $49,515 to $70,621 a year according to the salary figures reported by Payscale.

Salary range

Physical therapists’ annual income can vary significantly depending on these professionals’ work experience. Physiotherapists with 1 to 4 years of experience typically report earning salaries in the range from $50,684 to $76,539 a year, and those with 5 to 9 years of work experience are generally paid between $55,872 and $82,853 annually.

Professionals with 10 to 19 years of experience under their belt typically make between $58,688 and $91,809 a year, and physiotherapists with 20 or more years of professional experience report earning an annual pay in the range from $57,973 to $95,776 according to Payscale’s salary data.

Physical therapists generally earn salaries in the range from $56,000 to $84,000 a year based on the salary data reported by

Women usually earn salaries in the range from $52,312 to $81,102 a year, and men are typically paid between $55,476 and $84,337 a year according to the salary data reported by Payscale.

Salary by state

Physical therapists’ salaries can vary significantly from state to state. For example, professionals based in New York typically earn between $50,360 and $82,153 a year, those working in California are usually paid between $58,257 and $89,933 annually, and therapists employed in Texas generally report earning an annual income in the range from $51,126 to $88,052.

Physical therapists working in Illinois are generally paid between $53,480 and $81,395 a year, and those base in Florida typically make between $50,767 and $88,091 annually. Professionals employed in Pennsylvania earn from $50,830 to $78,204 a year, and those based in Michigan usually report earning an annual pay in the range from $55,260 to $80,544 according to the salary figures reported by Payscale.

Based on the salary information provided by, the top paying states for physiotherapists are Alaska, where the median annual salary for this profession is $87,410, followed by Maryland ($86,190 a year), Nevada ($85,369), New Jersey ($83,780), California ($83,740), District of Columbia ($83,300), and Texas ($83,020).

The lowest salaries are in Hawaii ($56,990), Montana ($64,400), North Dakota ($64,750), Missouri ($65,060), Vermont ($65,390), and South Dakota ($66,490).

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the top paying states for this profession are Nevada, where physical therapists earn $110,670 a year on average, followed by Alaska, where the median annual salary for this occupation is $89,950, and New Jersey, where physiotherapists make $89,830 a year on average. Professionals working in Texas earn an average annual salary of $89,790 a year, and those based in California are paid around $89,370 a year according to the BLS.

Physical therapists working in Florida earn $82,770 a year on average, those employed in Pennsylvania are paid $76,210 a year on average, and professionals based in New York earn an average annual pay of $78,890 according to the BLS salary figures.

Physiotherapists is Rhode Island make $84,750 a year on average, those working in Maine are paid around $78,890 annually, and professionals working in Massachusetts earn $79,600 a year on average. The median salary for Vermont is $73,070 a year and, for Connecticut, it is $84,720 a year according to the BLS.

Salary by city

Physiotherapists’ annual income can also vary considerably from city to city. For example, physical therapists employed in New York generally report earning an annual pay in the range from $54,631 to $85,940, those working in Chicago are typically paid between $51,228 and $81,933 a year, and professionals employed in San Diego usually earn salaries in the range from $51,278 and $88,818 a year according to Payscale’s salary data.

Physical therapists working in Boston typically earn between $49,721 and $75,000 annually, and those based in Atlanta are paid between $57,812 and $81,034 a year. Professionals employed in Houston make between $54,248 and $78,808 a year, and those working in Pittsburgh generally report earning an annual pay in the range from $50,009 to $74,246 according to Payscale.

Hourly wage

The average hourly pay for physical therapists working in the U.S. is $30.10 according to Jobstat. The highest hourly wage recorded for this profession is $35.46 and the lowest, $24.74 per hour.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a mean hourly rate of $38.99 and a median hourly wage of $38.39 for this occupation. 10% of physical therapists earn up to $26.74 per hour, and the 10% on the higher end of the scale are paid $53.86 per hour or more.

The hourly wage for physical therapists can vary considerably from industry to industry. Physiotherapists working in home health services earn $43.48 per hour on average, those employed at general medical and surgical hospitals are paid around $38.49 per hour, and professionals working at nursing care facilities (skilled nursing facilities) make $41.26 per hour on average according to the salary information reported by the BLS.

Physical therapists employed at offices of physicians earn around $38.68 per hour, those employed at offices of other health practitioners are paid around $38.07 per hour, and professionals working at specialty hospitals (except psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals) earn an average hourly wage of $38.80. Physiotherapists working in management, scientific, and technical consulting services earn $41.91 per hour on average, those employed in child day care services are paid around $41.58 per hour, and professionals working in employment services earn around $41.84 per hour according to the BLS.

The hourly rate for physiotherapists can also vary from state to state. Professionals based in California earn $42.97 per hour on average, and those based in New York make around $37.93 per hour. Physical therapists working in Florida earn around $39.79 per hour, those employed in Texas are paid around $43.17 per hour, and professionals working in Pennsylvania earn a mean hourly wage of $36.64 according to the BLS salary data.

Physiotherapists employed in Rhode Island earn $40.75 per hour on average, those working in Maine are paid around $37.93 per hour, and professionals based in Massachusetts earn around $38.27 per hour. Physical therapists working in Vermont earn an average hourly pay of $35.13, and those based in Connecticut make $40.73 per hour on average. Professionals working in Nevada are paid around $53.21 per hour, those working in Alaska earn $43.25 per hour on average, and physiotherapists employed in New Jersey earn an average hourly pay of $43.19 according to the BLS.

The hourly rate for physical therapists also varies depending on work experience. Physiotherapists who are in their first year on the job typically earn between $24.88 and $37.52 per hour, those with 1 to 4 years of experience make between $27.07 and $43.58 per hour, and professionals with 5 to 9 years of work experience under their belt are generally paid between $29.92 and $46.25 per hour. Physical therapists with 10 to 19 years of experience report earning an hourly pay in the range from $33.34 to $49.96, and those with 20 or more years of work experience typically earn between $32.41 and $51.28 per hour according to Payscale’s salary figures.

The hourly pay can also vary from city to city. Physical therapists employed in Los Angeles typically make between $31.84 and $50.44 per hour, those working in Chicago are paid between $29.85 and $50.11 per hour, and professionals based in Seattle generally report earning an hourly wage in the range from $29.77 to $46.59. Physiotherapists employed in San Diego make between $30.59 and $44.37 per hour, and those based in New York are typically paid between $25 and $55 per hour. Professionals employed in Dallas earn between $25.45 and $45.91 per hour, and those working in Denver are generally paid an hourly wage in the range from $27.15 to $40.55 according to the salary data reported by Payscale.

Physical therapists’ hourly rate also depends on area of specialty. Physiotherapists specializing in physical therapy generally make between $28.54 and $45.22 per hour, those specializing in rehabilitation earn between $28.91 and $46.57 per hour, and professinals specializing in orthopedics report earning an hourly wage in the range from $28.68 to $44.77.

Physical therapists specializing in geriatrics are generally paid between $30.18 and $47.88 per hour, and those specializing in acute care typically earn between $27.79 and $47.12 per hour. Professionals specializing in long term care earn an hourly pay in the range from $31.25 to $48.44, and those specializing in home health or home care are typically paid between $31.20 and $57.06 per hour according to Payscale’s salary data.


Along with the basic salary and annual bonuses, physical therapists typically get a variety of perks and benefits. These usually include social security, 401(k) or 403(b) plans, disability insurance, healthcare, pension, and time off.

The average value of physical therapists’ benefits packages exceeds $30,500 a year based on the salary figures reported by

Physical therapists’ benefits packages can also sometimes reflect their annual earnings. For example, physiotherapists who have 401(k) plans typically report earning salaries in the range from $53,335 to $82,720 a year, those who have paid vacations and holidays generally make between $53,963 and $82,973 annually, and professionals who have paid sick leave as part of their benefits package are usually paid between $54,734 and $83,752 a year according to Payscale’s salary figures.

Physical therapists who have life and disability insurance are generally paid between $54,761 and $84,648 a year, and those who get reimbursement for professional training, education, tuition, or certification typically report an annual pay in the range from $55,008 to $82,456.

Professionals who have malpractice and liability insurance among their benefits generally earn between $54,510 and $82,938 annually, and those who have 403(b) plans as part of their package are usually paid between $57,176 and $82,809 a year according to Payscale.

Other income factors

Physical therapists’ salary can vary considerably depending on industry. Professionals working at physical therapists’ offices generally earn between $52,888 and $79,174 a year, those working in the health care sector are typically paid between $51,741 and $83,391 annually, and physiotherapists working in the rehabilitation industry earn between $49,414 and $84,982 a year.

Physical therapists working in home health care report salaries in the range from $57,530 to $98,792 a year, those working at hospitals are paid between $51,398 and $80,157 annually, and professionals working at orthopedists’ offices make between $53,166 and $82,642 a year. Physiotherapists employed in long-term care or rehabilitation facilities typically report earning an annual pay in the range from $50,059 to $84,770 according to Payscale’s salary data.

Physical therapists’ annual pay can also vary depending on the size of the organization that employs them. Physiotherapists working for organizations that employ between 1 and 9 people typically earn an annual income in the range from $51,478 to $79,579, those working for organizations with 10 to 49 employees are typically paid between $51,891 and $86,205 annually, and professionals working for organizations with 50 to 199 employees usually report earning a yearly income in the range from $54,749 to $82,122 according to Payscale’s salary figures.

Physiotherapists working for companies with 200 to 599 employees are paid between $53,787 and $84,212 a year, those working for organizations that employ between 600 and 1,999 people generally make between $52,182 and $87,811 annually, and professionals working for organizations with 2,000 to $4,999 employees are typically paid between $48,288 and $85,877 annually. Physical therapists working for organizations with 5,000 to 19,999 employees are paid between $52,155 and $80,426 a year, those employed by companies with 20,000 to 49,000 employees make between $62,984 and $82,000 annually, and professionals working for organizations with 50,000 or more employees report earning an annual income in the range from $51,097 to $77,320 according to Payscale’s salary statistics.

In terms of hospital setting, physical therapists working in physicians’ offices and private practices earn between $54,280 and $81,633 annually, those employed at general hospitals make between $52,472 and $83,216 a year, and physiotherapists working in other hospital settings are generally paid between $52,021 and $79,723 a year.

Physical therapists working in community and home health make between $54,770 and $92,538 a year, those working in extended care and nursing homes are paid between $50,548 and $86,033 annually, and professionals working in ambulatory care and surgery centers earn between $51,406 and $84,882 a year. Physiotherapists working at schools are paid between $35,745 and $60,639 a year, those working in travelling or agencies make between $58,958 and $81,389 a year, and professionals employed by the military report earning an annual income in the range from $68,784 to $81,380 a year according to the salary statistics provided by Payscale.

Professional certification is another factor that can affect a physical therapist’s annual income. Professionals with the qualification of Licensed Physical Therapist (LPT) generally earn salaries in the range from $52,397 to $83.594 a year, those who are members of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) report earning an annual pay in the range between $54,048 and $81,891, and professionals with a certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) typically earn between $53,888 and $81,805 a year according to the salary figures reported by Payscale.

Physical therapists with a certification in Basic Life Support (BLS) usually make between $56,383 and $83,106 annually, those with the qualification of Certified Clinical Instructor from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) are typically paid between $55,290 and $82,907 a year, and professionals with the qualification of Physical Therapist – Orthopaedic Certified Specialist (PT-OCS) report earning an annual income in the range from $59,038 to $85,142.

Physiotherapists with the qualification of Certified Athletic Trainer make between $54,081 and $84,241 annually, and those with the qualification of Physical Therapist – Sports Certified Specialist (PT-SCS) are generally paid between $50,806 and $89,065 a year according to Payscale’s data.

Physical therapists’ annual salaries also vary depending on skill or area of specialty. Professionals specializing in orthopedics typically report earning an annual pay in the range from $55,098 to $81,509, those specializing in physical therapy generally make between $51,109 and $82,686 annually, and physiotherapists specializing in rehabilitation are usually paid between $50,829 and $84,538 a year.

Physical therapists who specialize in geriatrics earn an income in the range from $53,067 to $87,439 a year, those whose expertise lies in acute care are paid between $62,648 and $83,678 annually, and professionals specializing in health and wellness typically make between $50,449 and $85,689 a year.

Physiotherapists specializing in home health or home care generally report an annual pay in the range from $55,647 to $95,039, those specializing in pediatrics are usually paid between $48,691 and $79,474 a year, and professionals specializing in long term care earn salaries in the range from $50,195 to $92,122 a year. Physical therapists who specialize in patient education generally report earning salaries in the range from $50,903 to $85,757 a year according to the salary information provided by Payscale.

Employer type is another factor that can determine a physical therapist’s annual salary. Physiotherapists working for private practices or firms generally earn between $53,323 and $80,371 a year, those employed by companies report earnings in the range from $53,142 to $86,452 a year, and professionals working at hospitals are paid between $50,583 and $80,868 annually.

Physiotherapists working for non-profit organizations earn between $51,182 and $79,047 a year, those employed by the federal government are paid between $61,009 and $87,023 annually, and professionals working for the state and local government typically make between $50,167 and $87,153 a year. Physical therapists working for school districts and schools earn between $35,745 and $69,285 a year, those working for other organizations are generally paid between $54,738 and $87,947 annually, and professionals who are self-employed typically make between $47,981 and $102,012 a year.

Physiotherapists working for teams earn between $65,000 and $85,000 annually, those employed by universities and colleges are paid between $51,182 and $73,336 a year, and professionals employed by franchises generally report salaries in the range from $53,327 to $88,441 a year. Physical therapists who work as contractors typically earn an annual income in the range from $48,165 to $89,464 according to the salary figures reported by Payscale.