Neuropsychologist Salary

Neuropsychologists working in the United States generally report earning salaries in the range between $59,360 and $138,086 a year including bonuses according to the salary information provided by Payscale.

The basic annual salary for neuropsychologists is typically in the range from $56,457 to $128,523 and the yearly bonus earnings can amount to up to $19,727 according to Payscale’s salary data.

Neuropsychologists specializing in clinical psychology usually report earning an annual pay in the range from $80,000 to $126,992 a year.

Professionals employed at general hospitals typically make between $81,565 and $91,690 a year.

Neuropsychologists with the certification of Licensed Psychologists generally earn an annual income in the range from $59,847 to $148,418 according to the salary figures reported by Payscale.

Average salary

The average salary for neuropsychologists employed in the United States is $87,162 a year according to the salary figures reported by Payscale, $90,000 a year according to Indeed, and $89,000 a year according to the salary data reported by

Salary by state

Neuropsychologists’ annual income depends on geographical location and can vary significantly from state to state. Based on Payscale’s salary data, neuropsychologists based in New York generally earn salaries in the range from $58,958 to $122,084 a year, those working in California are usually paid between $69,043 and $148,994 annually, and professionals employed in Arizona earn an annual income in the range from $55,000 to $77,500. Neuropsychologists working in Texas generally make between $70,000 and $120,000 a year and those based in Michigan typically report earning an annual pay in the range from $84,834 to $108,206 according to Payscale’s data.

The top paying states for neuropsychologists, as reported by, are Arizona, where these professionals earn $101,100 a year on average, followed by New Hampshire, where the median annual pay for this occupation is $97,290, and California, where neuropsychologists make $96,050 a year on average. Other states with a high average annual income for this profession are District of Columbia ($96,040), Connecticut ($91,360), Virginia ($90,800), and Arkansas ($90,550).

The states with the lowest average yearly income for neuropsychologists are Nebraska ($57,480), Rhode Island ($60,240), Mississippi ($64,640), Utah ($68,690), Michigan ($69,390), and Minnesota ($71,100) according to the salary data provided by

Salary range

Neuropsychologists working in the U.S. generally make between $64,000 and $96,000 a year according to the salary figures provided by

Neuropsychologists’ annual pay depends on a variety of factors, including professional experience. Based on Payscale’s salary data, neuropsychologists with 1 to 4 years of experience typically make between $53,327 and $92,839 a year and those with 5 to 9 years of work experience under their belt are generally paid between $50,684 and $113,427 annually. Professionals with 10 to 19 years of experience report earning an annual income in the range from $81,429 to $146,805 and those with 20 or more years of professional experience typically make between $86,068 and $174,384 a year.

Neuropsychologists’ salaries can also vary considerably from industry to industry.

For example, professionals working in the health care industry typically earn salaries in the range from $59,158 to $139,800 a year and those employed at clinical psychologists’ offices are generally paid between $56,500 and $94,500 annually according to Payscale.

Women typically report earning an annual pay in the range from $58,064 to $99,347 and men generally earn a yearly income in the range between $70,000 and $160,000 according to Payscale’s salary data.

Hourly wage

Neuropsychologists with the certification of Licensed Psychologists generally make between $25.39 and $112.50 per hour.


Neuropsychologists typically get a wide range of benefits and perks along with their basic yearly income and bonus earnings. Their benefits packages can sometimes reflect their annual pay.

Neuropsychologists who have 401(k) plans typically earn salaries in the range from $60,544 to $144,088 a year, those who have paid sick leave are generally paid between $59,596 and $129,411 annually, and professionals who have paid holidays and vacations earn an annual income in the range from $59,019 to $147,814 according to the salary figures reported by Payscale.

Neuropsychologists who have malpractice and liability insurance included in their benefits package generally make between $68,510 and $148,924 a year and those who have life and disability insurance are paid an annual income in the range from $70,957 to $143,826. Professionals who are allowed to dress casually at work are generally paid between $62,400 and $116,000 a year and those who get reimbursement for professional training, education, tuition, or certification typically report earning a yearly salary in the range from $40,200 to $136,910 according to Payscale.

The most popular benefits and perks among neuropsychologists, as reported by Payscale, are 401(k) plans, paid vacation, life and disability insurance, paid sick leave, malpractice and liability insurance, reimbursement for education, training, and certification, and casual dress and atmosphere at work.

Other income factors

Neuropsychologists’ annual salaries can also vary depending on the size of the company or organization that employs them. Based on Payscale’s salary data, neuropsychologists who work for organizations that employ between 1 and 9 people typically earn salaries in the range from $72,414 to $160,410 a year, those working for companies with 600 to 1,999 employees are generally paid between $75,000 and $113,496 annually, and professionals working for organizations that employ between 2,000 and 4,999 people usually report earning an annual pay in the range from $76,119 to $103,586.

Neuropsychologists’ yearly income also varies depending on the type of employer. Professionals working at hospitals typically make between $50,932 and $124,488 a year and those employed by private practices and firms are generally paid between $50,335 and $168,860 annually. Neuropsychologists employed by the federal government usually earn salaries in the range from $103,761 to $123,893 a year and those who are self-employed make between $59,000 and $162,500 a year based on Payscale’s salary statistics.

Academic degree is another factor that can affect a neuropsychologist’s salary. Professionals with a Doctorate (PhD) generally earn between $55,752 and $129,411 a year, those with the degree of Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) in Clinical Psychology are paid between $50,868 and $98,264 annually, and neuropsychologists with a PhD in Clinical Psychology typically make between $85,073 and $120,079 a year.

Neuropsychologists with a PhD in Psychology are usually paid between $65,000 and $113,500 a year and professionals with a PhD in Neuropsychology generally report earning a yearly income in the range from $90,820 to $146,527 according to Payscale.

The annual bonus earnings also depend on a variety of factors, including years of experience. Neuropsychologists with 1 to 4 years of experience get $976 a year on average in bonuses and those with 5 to 9 years of professional experience are paid around $1,000 annually. Professionals with 10 to 19 years of experience report getting $4,913 a year on average and those with 20 or more years of work experience in the field typically get about $4,350 a year in bonuses based on the salary figures reported by Payscale.